Donate to Payomet
Make a donation today… we can’t do it without you!
You can ensure that Payomet continues its success as a Cape Cod non-profit arts organization, bringing extraordinary artists and events to the outer Cape by making a tax-deductible donation.
Payomet is volunteer driven. We operate with a lean and efficient staff so you can be assured that your gift will be immediately translated to more great onstage performances. Please help us continue to fulfill our mission to bring the performing arts to everyone in our community.
Since we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your donation is tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. Income from ticket sales covers only about 50% of our expenses.
You help us hold it all together… thank you for your support!
Call 508-487-5400
Mail a Check
P.O. Box 1202, Truro, MA 02666
Other Ways to Donate
Donate Advisor Fund
Make a charitable investment to provide long-term, tax-deductible support to Payomet.
Legacy Giving
Leave a lasting legacy or honor the memory of a loved one by making a memorial donation.
Donate Your Car
Rather than selling or trading in your used car, donate it to help support Payomet.
Volunteer Your Skills
Show your support by joining our dedicated group of arts and community-minded volunteers.
“It makes me happy that my donation can help keep Payomet going…
I can’t imagine my summers without you!”
– Deb G.