Toussaint the Liberator Aug. 8 in North Truro

Toussaint the Liberator at Payomet



PROVINCETOWN BANNER – Toussaint the Liberator Aug. 8 in North Truro

NORTH TRURO — Toussaint the Liberator will be live at 6 p.m. Aug. 8 at the Payomet Performing Arts Center’s Ball Field at the Highlands Center in the Cape Cod National Seashore at 29 Old Dewline Road, North Truro. Members $23, Public $25. For info, visit

Summer and reggae are synonymous at Payomet. We love bringing new artists to the Outer Cape and are excited to present Toussaint the Liberator, known for his music loaded with precision, energy and the positive messages of social justice and active resistance to oppression. We can’t wait to have him performing as a trio on our new Ball Field stage for the first time in the great tradition of our summer reggae concerts. Come to dance in the socially distanced space in front of your car!

Hello Music Mavens!

We’ll be posting news and reviews in this space, but if it’s the latest on upcoming shows that you’re after, join our EMAIL LIST. 
We will hold your info close and never let it out into the world…promise!

Music Suggestions?

….we want them! Contact us with your latest greatest. We especially love tips on hot upcoming bands, comedians and any ideas you have that will broaden our lineup. It’s our goal to serve our communtity and you are it!