Cirque Video Performance: "A Day in the Life of a Quarantined Artist"

A Day in the Life of a Quarantined Artist

Payomet presents an original video co-created by our Cirque by the Sea star aerialist Gabrielle "Teddy" Ment and jazz pianist Roberto Acosta. This ethereal piece integrates a gorgeous aerial performance with a wonderful, heartfelt piano solo to create a beautiful narrative of enduring separation in this time of Covid distancing. 

Two artists separated by the pandemic feel sentimental for the past (and each other)…Is she really there, or is he dreaming her?


Teddy Ment is a professional aerialist and circus artist that has thrilled audiences in our Cirque by the Sea productions and inspired the children in our Summer Circus Camp . She misses performing but is optimistic that the world will emerge a kinder, lighter and happier place.

In a Sentimental Mood by Duke Ellington is performed by Roberto Acosta, a Performing Arts student at Oberlin Conservatory of Music. He is finishing up his last semester in quarantine and is a proud member of the Class of 2020.

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