Payomet presents: In the meantime screentime

In The Meantime Screentime Payomet

"Payomet'sIf we have to be home and practicing social distancing, we want to reach out and connect with a project we'll be working on to lighten your load and brighten your days: "In the meantime screentime" is a curated collection of musical missives and diversions to keep you sane and entertained while you're home and social distancing. 

Stay tuned for videos, digital experiences, podcasts, articles and other fun recommendations from your friends here at Payomet.

We look forward to the time when we can gather again, but until then… In the meantime, screentime!

Hello Music Mavens!

We’ll be posting news and reviews in this space, but if it’s the latest on upcoming shows that you’re after, join our EMAIL LIST. 
We will hold your info close and never let it out into the world…promise!

Music Suggestions?

….we want them! Contact us with your latest greatest. We especially love tips on hot upcoming bands, comedians and any ideas you have that will broaden our lineup. It’s our goal to serve our communtity and you are it!